Tag: Inquiry


Point:Polynesians are the master navigators.

Evidence:They’re Master navigators because they have been exploring the pacific for centres.

Explanation:They were so good at exploring and really good at navigating using the stars, moon and clouds.

Link:They made great discoveries in the Pacific and so are the navigators.


Hello bloggers, this term our class has been learning about different cultures. We had to make a presentation about different cultures. My buddy and I chose India. After making the presentation we had to make a Kahoot about the culture. I put what I did on the slides into Kahoot. Here are 3 photos from Kahoot.   What I found challenging was trying to find questions to put in my presentation.

🎄Chirstmas Traditions – Google Earth❄

Malo e lelei bloggers, our class have been learning about different type of cultures. In our class site, there were 3 different types of cases to investigate. The one that I liked most is the Christmas traditions(Christmas Tradition – Google Earth). There were 9 different questions for different countries and other stuff, if you get them all right then you can get a reindeer. It’s so fun you should try it, I hope you can get most of it right. Heres a slide where you can click the link and you can see what I got in the next slide.What I liked doing was answering the questions and what I found challenging were gettings some wrong.